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 Pachinko inhabits a legal grey area within Japan Voir le sujet suivant
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Touriste à Smallville
Touriste à Smallville

Inscrit le : 27 Mars 2022
Messages: 61

Message Posté le : Mer 24 Mai 2023 à 5:05 Répondre en citantRevenir en haut

Pachinko inhabits a legal grey area within Japan. Firstly, it's classified as a game of skill by the Japanese government and secondly, and more importantly, players don’t win money but prizes, such as gadgets, toys, and snacks, by cashing in their balls. However, players can also trade their balls for slot168 a ‘special prize’ that can be traded for cash at a separate place close by, known as a ‘token-redeeming business’. It’s the separate step between winning and cashing in, done at two separate locations that allows Pachinko to operate under Japan’s complex gambling laws. On the other hand, there’s nothing complex about the amount of revenue that Pachinko brings in, with it generating JPY19.5tn ($180.3bn) in 2017, which is nearly 30 times that of Las Vegas. More impressive still is the fact that this represents close to 4% of Japan’s GDP! Also, this is an astonishing three and a half times the JPY 5.206tn ($48.4bn) generated by the four public sports (horse racing: JPY3.3tn ($30.5bn), boat racing: JPY 1.2tn ($11.4bn), cycling: JPY 640bn ($5.9bn), motorcycle speedway: JPY 66bn ($600m)).
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